Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Court Ordered Classes - Anger Management Classes

Today I had the pleasure to work with individuals who need to take court ordered classes due to a court requirement. Many of the people I assist have had several problems in their life relating to anger and/or violence issues. The class I spoke to today was no exception.

Why are we violent... why do we lash out at the ones we love? When we look at it it is quite simple ... because we believe we can - period !!! Others may say the same things to us - an employer - a homeless person. However, if a family member, or a spouse, says the same thing we go off on them. You see, it is not the words that they say, it is not the person who said it - it is the "story" in our head of the difference between the people who said it that causes us to react - or not.

With "one story" of who said it we react ... with another - we do not.

When you see this for yourself - your life will change forever!

Please join me for a conversation on how to keep from creating a "story." See for yourself what it is like to live a life - FREE from stories.

The AVACA Wisdom Institute has been providing court ordered classes, ie. court ordered anger management classes for many years... we can help!

jennie lake

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