Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Anger Management Classes for Humans

After teaching three different classes today, I was honored to have had the opportunity to witness several peoples lives change for the better. Our online classes, as well as the seminar we did for the City of San Francisco once again showed me that we were on the right track.

The AVACA Wisdom Institute has developed an understanding regarding how the mind works that has changed Psychology forever. Our classes are groundbreaking!!!

Please join us. We have classes on Violence Prevention, Anger Management as well as Positive Parenting.

AVACA provides classes for those looking to improve their lives, as well as those who need to take classes to meet an employeer or court ordered class requitement. We can help!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Why ME? Why Now? Why - why - why???

Some of the greatest people who ever lived muttered those very words. Yet in the end, understanding "why" never did change a single event. Nor did it offer more than simple words we put together and call it - an explanation. In reality - it is just information. Yet we make it so much more.

Yes it may prove useful to have info in-order not to repeat an event, but does it help me "deal" with the event emotionally - NO!

We seem to think that the more information we have about something the better off we are. I find that it doesn't matter if I have all, or, none of the facts. It is how I take the trip through the situation that matters most, and not the degree of information that I have. I can have all the information ever said, written, or ever thought about; yet still suffer. Funny how that works.

When I come to the realization that the event happened, and see reality, and not my "wishful thinking." I see things as they are. Don't discount the power of reality and seeing things in a way that doesn't add a spin to it. You see it is the "story" about the event we created in our mind that causes our emotional suffering, and not the event. Without a "story" all that is left is an event that has past. The only way we relive it - is in our story!

When I came to this understanding I understood that in many ways I was the one causing me pain. The event had past, but I wouldn't let go of my story. It was in the constant telling and reliving of the story where my pain continued to live. No story - no emotional pain. Every time!

So as you tuck your children off to bed - or - tuck yourself in and drift off to sleep, ask yourself a simple question - Who would you be without your story?

... odds are ... happy.


- To learn more about what we teach log on to:

see you there...

AVACA Wisdom Institute offers classes in:

1) Anger Management
2) Domestic Violence Prevention
3) Substance Abuse
4) Child Abuse
5) Court Ordered Classes

... we show you how to find life inside again

How Can We Help?