Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The AVACA Wisdom Institute has helped over 50,000 People.

Thank you for taking the time to see if we may be of assistance to you.

Over the past 10 years, and for over 25 years before that under the name of M.O.V.E., the AVACA Wisdom Institute has helped over 50k people get their lives back.

Our wonderful program has been said to be the premiere program. We see the health in people, and with-out judgement we help you get your life back. In many ways; we help you wake back up inside to find that part of you who was once excited for life. Its still there - just covered up.

Our Anger Management, Domestic Violence and Parenting Classes are taught by individuals just like you. People who at one time or another also needed help to get through situations that were also detrimental to them. We understand, and can help!

There is no obligation. Just send us a message, or call us. Let us show you how we can help you make the changes needed to get through this time in your life. To find the strength and joy for living again.

till then...


Monday, October 12, 2009

Living with-out FEAR

I can't go outside, I can't go to work, I can't get out of bed ... I can't live this way any-longer!!!

Fear - It comes in two main ways:

  • First - Fear of physical death or of harm.
  • Second - Fear of Psychological ( Emotional ) death or harm.

Most of us have very few times in our life where we have a fear of a physical deaths - but in contrast; most people experience the emotional deaths many times over - some live with it daily.

Today we have a better understanding on how to end the emotional fear that keeps us from living our daily lives with joy and a passion for living. This is where we can help. The AVACA Wisdom Institute has made Groundbreaking Discoveries on how to heal the mind - won't you join us?

We look forward to seeing you. Stay plugged in to this Blog for FREE information and classes we will be providing. We Can Help!!!

in love and friendship...


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Court Ordered Classes

Court Ordered Classes for Court Ordered Clients to fulfill Court Ordered Class requirements for their Court Ordered Class cases.

Yes, thats a mouthfull.

The AVACA Wisdom Institute is a leader in Court Ordered Classes. We look forward to assisting you through this time in your life. Allow our experience, and our unique program, make a difference in your life in a way you never dreamed of before.

- Jennie Lake

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Court Ordered Classes - Anger Management Classes

Today I had the pleasure to work with individuals who need to take court ordered classes due to a court requirement. Many of the people I assist have had several problems in their life relating to anger and/or violence issues. The class I spoke to today was no exception.

Why are we violent... why do we lash out at the ones we love? When we look at it it is quite simple ... because we believe we can - period !!! Others may say the same things to us - an employer - a homeless person. However, if a family member, or a spouse, says the same thing we go off on them. You see, it is not the words that they say, it is not the person who said it - it is the "story" in our head of the difference between the people who said it that causes us to react - or not.

With "one story" of who said it we react ... with another - we do not.

When you see this for yourself - your life will change forever!

Please join me for a conversation on how to keep from creating a "story." See for yourself what it is like to live a life - FREE from stories.

The AVACA Wisdom Institute has been providing court ordered classes, ie. court ordered anger management classes for many years... we can help!

jennie lake